Sunday, 14 April 2013

Artificial intelligence in hybrid imaging: Enabling or restricting the workforce?

The nuclear medicine environment is now undoubtedly considered to be a truly digital imaging community.  A community whereby technology exists and practitioners are integral to ensuring image optimization / acquisition, accurate processing / quantification and in the case of hybrid imaging, using the dual modality approach to further enhance the patient's diagnosis.

The pace of introducing intuitive software platforms within nuclear medicine is something which needs to be carefully considered.  This is especially the case for hybrid imaging practice, where a 'push and pull of data' culture has begun to evolve.  The hybrid imaging practitioner faces a number of challenges in terms of ensuring their role definition, development and deployment is recognized and central to the patient's journey.  Creating an environment that embraces technology, but does not allow it to control the role is a crucial element of future workforce training and there needs to be an understanding that multiple pressures exist and may impact on the creation of 'domain ownership' by the nuclear medicine workforce.  The figure below outlines the necessary pathway that needs to be undertaken by practitioners as they emerge as a new sub-society within the nuclear medicine fraternity. 

Copyright Marc Griffiths 2013

My previous blogs have explored the notion of creating a clear pathway of training and education for the nuclear medicine practitioner working within a hybrid imaging environment.  Unless there is a clearly defined role, working in a patient centric approach, technology will dominate the delivery of services.  The use of systems workflows and seamless integration of various aspects of the nuclear medicine examination can be viewed as enabling the workforce, however there is also limited potential for 'flat collaboration' as previously discussed by Fridell (2009) and cultural lag, as practitioners fail to understand how technology can be embraced and used to enhance service delivery. 

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