Saturday, 30 July 2011

Additional accountability when using CT within a Hybrid Imaging Environment

Following some research research and discussions at conferences, the potential impact of using CT within a SPECT/CT examination inappropriately can be a concern for clinical departments. The additional record keeping associated with using a transmission imaging source and potential for detecting incidental findings (e.g. liver mets) is a possibility, even when using low dose CT and the spatial resolution isn't great. This presents an ethical dilemma with regards to the documenting of findings, as under IR(ME)R (2000) all examinations involving the use of ionsing radiation should have an associated report attached.

The use of assistive software, such as "guided SPECT" may offer practitioners greater confidence when setting up the acquisition parameters in a SPECT/CT examination. Familarisation with the SPECT cine may help practitioners, especially those with limited cross sectional anatomy knowledge to set the topogram appropraitely within the CT examination. This is a major consideration for areas where a specific field is required for the CT data set, purely to provide attenuation correction / localisation parameters.

New technology presents many advantages to both patients and practitioners, however appropriate training, familarisation and experience is essential for optimal operation.